Did You Know

8 in 10 Canadians have a foot dysfunction that can lead to knee pain, shin splints, low back pain, and even neck pain.

Among professionals, 61% have moderate to severe biomechanical dysfunction. If left untreated, 70% experience pain. 17% of employees have missed work days due to their pain, and 40% of sick leaves are due to back pain.

the good news is

Foot dysfunction and associated lower extremity or spinal pain can effectively be corrected with custom orthotics. Custom orthotics are prescription insoles for your footwear that are designed to correct foot dysfunction and help relieve associated muscle and joint pain, as well as prevent overuse injuries. Stabilizing orthotics, for instance, are clinically proven to reduce low back pain by 34.5 percent.

Most extended health benefit plans cover custom orthotics, and you may be eligible for a pair each year.



“8 in 10 Canadians have a foot dysfunction that can lead to knee pain, shin splints, low back pain, and even neck pain..”

urban soles Can Help

We offer a complimentary digital foot assessment to establish whether your feet may be contributing to your lower extremity or spinal pain or predispose you to overuse injuries.

The latest technology allows us to instantly assess the alignment and structural integrity of your feet and objectively pre-determine whether you could be benefitting from custom orthotics.

What to do next

  1. Schedule a complimentary digital foot assessment at Urban Soles. To take advantage of your benefits for this year and ensure receipt of your orthotics by the end of the year, we recommend scheduling your appointment by December 9th.
  2. Review your extended health benefits plan to understand your custom orthotics coverage. Gather the following information:   
    • Are custom orthotics and custom orthotic sandals covered under my plan?
    • What is the maximum coverage
      ($ amount + number of pairs)?
    • What is the coverage period (e.g. per calendar year, every x months)?


  • Is a pre-approval required?
  • Is a prescription required? Will the prescription expire after a certain time?
  • Which healthcare providers can prescribe custom orthotics under my plan?
  • Can chiropractors dispense custom orthotics under my plan
  • What casting techniques are accepted?
  • What paperwork do I need to submit?
  • prescription
  • copy of biomechanical assessment + gait analysis
  • lab invoice
  • manufacturing information
  • payment receipt
  • dispension date
  • Per-calendar-year benefits: Do my orthotics have to be dispensed or just paid in full by the end of the year?

book a complimentary digital foot assessment to FIND OUT IF YOUr feet are contributing to your pain at work